Makers is an ongoing personal series that focuses on the human experience of making - it’s about the patina and scars on experienced tools and experienced hands, finely tuned workshops perfected over thousands of hours of iteration, and individuals that dedicate their lives to creating. Makers is an answer to the numbness of consumerism based in the mass-produced goods that we’ve become so accustomed to.
I’d been daydreaming about shooting Makers for years - I’ve always had a deep interest in the making of things, as my YouTube history will testify. I’ve always got some maker video playing in the background, often creating final products I have little interest in. I’m obsessed with the act of making and the attitude it takes to create something from nothing, to create a tiny piece of order from the chaos. I love the spirit of creation, regardless of what the end result is.
As Makers has progressed from a couple creative sessions to a significant body of work, it has begun to receive attention from all kinds of people. I’m so thankful for all of the thoughtful comments, connections and opportunities that this photo series has provided me. I hope you enjoy these images as much as I’ve enjoyed making them.
Can Am Off Road