Throughout the past few years, I’ve had this weird and excellent fortune to have quite a few friends who own and fly small planes of varying styles. Coincidentally, all of these friends are from the camera and image community, so they’re generally really fired up to use their planes to create cool visuals. These ones are from an evening of flying around with good friend and long time collaborator, Mike Goldstein, founder of The Heist productions.
We had a camera plane, which I was in, and the picture plane, which was Mikes. I was in a Cessna 172, which is a lot slower than Mike’s Seneca, which meant we had to pull some tricky maneuvering to line up these shots. Mike would burn off speed behind us by doing back and forth hard turns until we were approaching the shooting position we wanted, then he’d pull up beside us. There was only typically a handful of seconds of shooting opportunity, so I’m really proud of what we were able to create that night.